Emergency Temporary Closure

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are not currently accepting any new work and therefore have to make a temporary closure. The COVID-19 crisis has seriously affected my mental health and well-being. I also am not able to access the support I require to undertake my work safely.

Image for our Temporary Closure during the COVID-19 epidemic 2020. A stamp info graphic with the text "We're Temporarily Closed"

People have been in contact for work to be completed during this time. Most have been very understanding about the difficulties I am facing currently; however, some have not been so sympathetic.

I am on the extremely vulnerable list and have being isolating so far for 6 weeks (of an original 12) however we do not expect quarantine to be lifted any time soon and any earlier lift of such would cost lives.

The only thing we will be doing is maintaining systems behind the scenes and undertaking any work that has already been agreed as soon as we can. I am hoping that isn’t too far into the distant future, however I can’t put a date on it until things start moving forward with getting me the help I need.

Those that have been very supportive, thank you. Your kindness is what keeps me hoping that I will soon be back to my usual self and committed to the future.

If you have a critical problem with your service, the best method of contact is to use our Support Form as telephone service may be unavailble during this unfortunate temporary closure. Please look after yourselves and stay safe.

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